prepares linelist data for decomposition
by time_decompose(method = "stl)
. It
is the first step in prep_linelist()
.collection_date = "collection_date",
.report_date = "report_date",
start_date = "2020-03-12",
trend = "30 days",
period = "7 days",
delay_period = "14 days",
pct_reported = 0.9,
cutoff = 0.05,
plot_anomalies = FALSE
A data frame containing one incident observation per row
A Date
column to use as the
collection date of the observed case
A Date
column to use as the report
date of the observed case
The start date of the epidemic;
defaults to "2020-03-12"
, which is the beginning of the contiguous
part of Shelby County's observed cases (at least one case observed per
day since that date).
The length of time to use in trend decomposition; can be a
time-based definition (e.g. "1 month") or an integer number of days. If
or "auto"
, trend
is set automatically using the tunable
heuristics in the timetk package.
The length of time to use in seasonal decomposition; can be a
time-based definition (e.g. "1 week") or an integer number of days. If
or "auto"
, period
is set automatically using the tunable
heuristics in the timetk package.
The length of time to use in calculating reporting
delay; can be a time-based definition (e.g. "2 weeks") or an integer number
of days. If NULL
, delay_period
is set to "14 days"
The percent of total cases reported before considering
a collection date to be fully observed. It is not recommended to set this
to 1
, as reporting delays typically contain very large outliers which
will skew the results. The default is 0.9
, which strikes a balance
between sensitivity and robustness in Shelby County data.
The cutoff value for anomaly detection; controls both the maximum percentage of data points that may be considered anomalies, as well as the critical value for the Generalized Extreme Studentized Deviate test used to detect the anomalies. Can be interpreted as the desired maximum probability that an individual data point is labeled an anomaly.
Should anomalies be plotted for visual inspection? If
, the plot will be on the log-scale.
A tibble
containing cleaned and deanomalized count data on the
log-plus-1 scale, as well as a decomposition of that data and information
associated with anomaly detection
Component functions
, as well as
higher-level function