sched_std_names() parses investigator names given in the teams worksheet into a standard format for matching with REDcap. It:

  1. Transliterates characters to ASCII

  2. Replaces square brackets and curly braces with parentheses

  3. Removes parenthetic expressions

  4. Removes ordinal and numeric expressions

  5. Converts NAs to text (for the next function)

  6. Passes the intermediate to make_clean_names( case = "title", use_make_names = FALSE, transliterations = c("Any-Latin", "Latin-ASCII"), sep_out = " " )

  7. Removes leading and trailing dashes

  8. Removes extraneous whitespace

  9. Inverts converted NAs (back to NA_character_)




A character vector containing investigator names


The input string with cleaned names

See also